
Seasonal Allergies and Chiropractic Care

Happy Spring! It’s been warming up recently, and with that I’ve been seeing an increase in seasonal allergies. Seasonal allergies is a category used to describe allergies to grass, pollen, flowers, and trees, that usually get worse during the spring and summer. They can cause stuffiness in your head and sinuses, drowsiness, sneezing and coughing, with some variations in symptoms from person to person.

An allergic reaction is what happens when your body’s immune system finds and recognizes a harmful or foriegn subsatnce inside your body. Occasionally, your immune system kicks into overdrive and attacks things that aren’t harmful (This can be what happens in an autoimmune disease). When your body goes into protection mode, it will do whatever it can to remove the foreign or harmful substance. This is when your symptoms show up!

So where does chiropractic care come in? Well, when you get adjusted, we decrease the amount of inflammation in your spine and allow your nerves to communicate more effectively with your brain and organs. This makes it easier for your body to recognize the difference between bad stuff and help keep your immune system from overreacting. Getting adjusted won’t cure your allergies, but over time it will help decrease the frequency and severity of symptoms. Especially when you add in some simple lifestyle changes that can also decrease the inflammation in your system!

  1. Drinking water can help your body “rinse out” extra inflammation
  2. Find a local beekeeper that will sell you honey! Local raw honey can help your immune system recognize foreign substances that aren’t harmful to you and not attack and overreact.
  3. Gentle movement (like mobilizations) can help your body prevent inflammation from occurring, the same way yoga or Pilates will help you be less sore.